The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860

Allan Kardec

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Taking Advantage of the Advices
(Medium Ms. Huet)

Do you take advantage of our advice and what we tell you every day? No. Not much. When you leave one of our sessions you talk about the curiosity of the fact; you discuss the greater or lesser interest it has caused in the audience. However, is there at least one among you who asks how to apply the morality, the advice that we have just given you can be adopted, with the intention of doing that? A communication was requested and it was received. That is all. You go back to your daily occupations promising to return to see again such an interesting show. You tell your friends about the facts, exciting their curiosity and only to demonstrate that the wise individuals can be confused. Very few do it with the sincere objective of preaching morality. Very few really try to improve themselves.

My lesson is strict. However, I don’t want to discourage you. You always bring the good will, now add a little bit more of good feelings towards God and less desire to annihilate those who don’t want to believe. Those belong to God and to time.

Marie (familiar spirit)

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